Thursday, December 28, 2006

By the Way...

I'm home. I'm home. I can't believe I'm home already. December has flown by. Christmas is past, and New Year's is only a few days away. I don't have a job yet, but I am catching up on some sleep. I don't think it has sunk in yet that I don't have to go back to school in January. I'm so used to going to school that this "life" thing will take some work.

I find myself missing Foam Lake. I miss the students that drove me nuts, and the students who became special to me. I miss living with Erin and Adam, Nathaniel, but especially Abigail. I wish I could have seen her on Christmas morning. I bet there wasn't a safe (or dry) piece of paper in the house! I'm looking forward to one more trip north, to pick up my stuff, and say goodbye one more time.

If you need, or want, to get a hold of me, I'm at the farm. I don't have the internet out there (Thank you Brandie for letting me use yours!), but I will be checking the email randomly, likely at the library. How cool am I.

Who knows where this road is going? I'm glad I have a really good navigator.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Snow and Basketball

I cannot believe that it is already the 7th of December. It feels like just yesterday I was preparing for my full-time teaching block, yet here I am, almost a week after dropping two classes. My final evaluation is due in tomorrow, and, barring an opinion at the university, I have passed. I am all of two weeks away from being qualified to to find a job.

When I moved here in August, Adam advised me to buy some Sorels for winter boots. Once again, I didn't take him seriously. How could there possibly be enough snow before Christmas to warrant a purchase of a pair of those classy clogs? He wasn't kidding. Once it stopped raining here, it began to snow. On the day (yes, that is singular) that it doesn't snow, it blows. There are now drifts higher than my car. It's one thing to talkto a friend in a foreign, warm country and have them rub in the nice weather, but to have someone from REGINA rub in the fact that they are warmer and dryer than us...that's just wrong.

I am now almost done the teaching aspect of my internship, though I am picking up a grade seven English class next week. I have to get caught up on my marking so that I can learn a bit about this strange sport my seniour girls are calling basketball. I know a bit about the sport, but I stopped playing about the same time the teachers were trying to get us to bounce the ball without looking at it. My ball always got away. I've become the tempory assistant coach to the seniour girls basketball team. This is a nice way of saying I don't know anything, but the girls are willing to teach me. I nearly had them in tears of laughter after my first foul shot the other night. I must add, in my defence, that it did go in the basket the first time. Not the second, third or fourth, but who's perfect? I'm really enjoying the girls on the team as students as well, so this was a good opportunity to learn a sport and support them at the same time.

I'm moving home, crafting up a storm for Christmas presents, and marking. Anyone up for a little marking party? I'll bring ALL the material! RSVP, ASAP, ok?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Prelude and Beyond!

It's 10:53 pm, and I've just taken out my eyes and washed the makeup off. Prelude is over for another year. The Gospel Fellowship Church community has put on a great dinner once again, and the turnout was really good. The tables will come down this week, the food will be parceled up and taken home, and the Advent season is almost here. I enjoyed this evening, but I'm glad it's over. I am my harshest critic, but being honest, tonight wasn't as strong as I'd have liked it to be. I still received compliments and praise, as did Erin for her playing, but that isn't as powerful as knowing you did a good job yourself.

My block at the high school is nearly over. By the end of this coming week I will have dropped a class, and will lose another class the next Monday. The sixteen, seventeen weeks that I started counting down have disappeared. I only have nineteen DAYS of school left (by my calculations...I'm not teaching math, remember). I'm realizing that I will miss some of the aspects of small town life, but I don't know if I could count this experience as "living" here. I'm not sure you can be from a small town if you haven't lived there at least three years. The community is so active, and I will miss that if I move to a larger centre. I do look forward to having more options in a larger centre. It really is a decision to be made, about what sort of life I want to have, and teaching I want to do. I'm just about ready to think about that. Not quite right now.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

November in the "North"

I've never lived this far north in Saskatchewan before. It's not like Foam Lake is SOOO far north, but it is further than Moose Jaw or Regina by a good two hours. You wouldn't think this would make a big difference, but driving away from Foam Lake and coming back to town after a weekend away is like entering another season. Here in Foam Lake, the roads are icy and it has snowed ALL DAY. When I left Moose Jaw yesterday, the weatherman was calling for a high of 5 degrees that day, and 8 degrees on Wednesday. We'll be lucky to get to zero here. There's almost no such thing as snow at home, yet here it's boot weather. I don't like winter in southern Saskatchewan...guess how much I'm appreciating the snow now!

School is going well. I'm into the second week of my block, teaching all day every day. It has come to the point where Patti can take a day off for appointments or whatever reason, and it's not likely there will be a substitute called in. I'm getting the swing of things here, though it's hard to imagine that I only have six weeks left, if that. As much as I'm looking forward to being finished, that means leaving some of these kids that I've really grown to appreciate. I guess that's what it means to move...there has to be something and someone left behind.

I was home last week, for my "long change"; there was a teacher's conference I wasn't required to go to. Thursday found me at the Goo Goo Dolls concert with Merle. That was an awesome show. So worth the tickets. They are now moved from my "to see" list to my "see again" list. I went, I saw, and yes, I bought the T-shirt. (I actually bought the shirt before the concert, but hey. That's just splitting hairs.) Stacey cut my hair on Friday, and it's wonderful. My students actually noticed, and complimented me. It's shorter than it has been, which means it's in my eyes, but it looks good. That's what matters, right?

Saturday saw me at the Foam Lake Panthers-Caronport Cougars 9-man provincial football game. I know very little about the game, but as long as I was cheering at the right time, it was all good. We won 43 to was all our game after the first half. Man, it was muddy. I'm glad I didn't have to wash any uniforms. I feel sorry for the Caronport players - not only did they lose on home turf, but they have white jerseys.

Sunday I was able to get together with Brandie and do some Christmas scrapbooking. I was able to get so much acomplished, and it was wonderful to hang out with her after so long away. I miss my friends! Email just isn't the same, especially when we're all so busy. I hope to do some more with her this coming weekend when I'm down for Carolyn's wedding. I can't believe it's already the middle of November!

Speaking of November, the end is in sight. Prelude is next weekend, and I have some practicing to do. Most of the pieces are traditional carols, but there are a few that will require some words and notes learning. I'm off to see if Erin is free to practice tonight. There are still people sleeping when I leave in the morning, and kids arrive before I've left, so mornings are not a popular choice. We'll see how this goes!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

On With the Show

It has been a full two weeks. I'm teaching almost every class, and I begin my three week block on Wednesday next. With all of the days we miss in November, this means that my "three week block" is really a month. I appreciate starting earlier than later, as this means December will be less stressful, but starting this week means that I can't procrastinate any longer. I'm teaching To Kill a Mockingbird and Hamlet right now, and I start The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson on Wednesday. Tuesday my grade sevens write their very first French exam, and heaven help them, the first exam I've ever had to make up.

Tonight is the Breast of Friends' Fundraising Dinner at the Community Hall. Mom is coming up to attend, and Erin is coming out as well. I've just come back from rehearsal for the fashion show that will end the evening. What a wide range of ladies! Size, age, everything...we have it on stage. It was a hilarious rehearsal, as no one in charge has ever really rehearsed a show like this before. We got through it, but we didn't try it with our fancy clothes on...I think we'd better have a gong ready for tonight. At least it promises to be entertaining! And the food will be spectacular from what I understand.

I'm also very excited about coming back to Regina in November. On the 3rd, I'll get to see everyone from school as we're called back for an internship seminar, and the next week I'm back in town because of the teacher's conference in Saskatoon. I'm not being required to attend, so I'm coming home. I've bought tickets to the Goo Goo Dolls show on the 9th, and I cannot wait. I swore I would go see them if they ever came to the province, and it's worked out really nicely. I"ll be a new woman after that weekend, as I'm going to visit Stacey as well. I just have to decide what we're doing to the hair this time...

Other than that, life up here in Foam Lake is just fine. Abigail is hilarious, Nathaniel is forever "Erin, you play monkeys with me?" (He hasn't figured out that I kill the characters more often than he does.) I can't believe I'm almost two months down, but that's the way it goes. I'm sending in my application for my visa on Monday, if the post office is still open when we get back from Wadena (CIF "Teacher" day), Tuesday at the latest. I'm hoping I haven't left it too long, but I really doubt I'd be ready to live and teach in England by January 3rd. That's seems a little quick, considering I'm not finished here until the 22nd. In my mind, I'm aiming for leaving in the middle of the month, but it's not really my plans that have precedence here. I can't even see the reins of this life.

Mom is supposed to be here in about an hour and a half. I'd better clean my's just something you do when moms arrive. I'm now thankful it's not an entire apartment!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Turkeys of All Shapes and Sizes

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I am looking forward to going home for the long weekend. Nevermind that I was just home. This is a LONG weekend, so it's supposed to feel important. We will be celebrating my birthday, Grandma Walter's birthday, Auntie Fran's birthday, Grandma and Grandpa Graas' anniversary, and, oh yeah. Thanksgiving. We do have much to be thankful for, especially that we are all still able to be together and celebrate these events. Our household will likely be serving turkey, but I expect there will be a Turkey or two in residence regardless!

I'm at the school as I write. My students in my Creative Writing 20 class have a major assignment due tomorrow, and I've opened the computer lab to allow them to type their final drafts. I don't think they realize the sacrifice here! Grey's Anatomy is on, is over! Not that I can't catch up of course. I am getting much more official class "stuff" accomplished here at school anyhow. This evening work period might become a weekly thing. After all, if students are expecting me to show up, I have to show up.

I'm debating how much to write here. I've been in touch with a teaching company out of the UK, and it sounds promising...I do not want to jinx it or get my hopes up...but there is a good chance I will be moving to England in January to teach. I've just started setting it up this week, but the question seems not to be "if I can get a job", but "when can you get here to start?". Those in a praying mood: this would be a very appreciated topic. I'd really like to do this, but I've learned the hard way that it needs to be God's will, not my own.

Anyhow, must mark. It's amazing how quickly that can become backed up. One more thing for my logbook, I guess. I really should start that thing...

Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy Birthday!

I just bought a rolling pin. I do not have plans to make cookies, nor do I know where to put the marble weapon, but it is my birthday present to myself. As long as I have the pin, I will know how old it is since I bought it on my twenty-fifth birthday. What does it say when you buy kitchen utensils for yourself? It says there isn't a clothing store within an hour's drive.

I'm also trying to figure out a way for everyone in the world to have their birthdays off work. So far, I'm able to shoot holes in whatever scheme I design. Suggestions are welcome!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

One Month Down, Three to Go

October 1st. I've finished one month of my internship, I'm almost twenty-five, and I have a phone call to answer on Tuesday about possible "career options" in the UK come January. I think I have the right to feel a bit overwhelmed at the moment.

I had a lovely, if full, weekend these past two days. Mom and I went out to Kamp to cook for the fall supper. We arrived in separate vehicles Friday night, and I lef the kamp shortly after Mom on Saturday evening. The fall colours are amazing. I don't believe there is an artist alive or dead who could rival the Master's touch. My camera could not capture the day, though I tried, and words cannot come close to examining the individual leaves and masses of trees as they turn in the autumn air. God's artistry is awesome and inspiring, yet humbling. How can we as humans even think that we could create something "God-like"? We often forget we're to create works that honour our God, not attempt to rival his. Sure failure leads down the path of rivalry.

My classload is getting heavier, yet I'm attempting to add more extra-curricular at the same time. Things are going well at school. I'm feeling more and more comfortable about the expectations of the school and the university, and about the rituals and traditions of a rural school. Go Panthers Go! I'm really enjoying many of the students, and I believe the students who have been challenging me thus far have really come around. There will always be a few jerks, as there are a few in every classroom or boardroom of life, but those aren't my concern...yet. I still have to get it in my head that I have the power to send them to the hall, or to the office, or to detention...and have them go. I always thought that would be the easy part of teaching: If you're an idiot in class, get out. Now I realize that if I have a firm control of the class, there are very few idiots. As a student, you don't realize how much work teaching is. I mean, all they do is show up and talk, right? Even taking homeroom attendance stressed me out for a week. Administration? Teaching? Planning? Marking? They try to warn you at university that this will be a lot of work, but there can be no warning for this. I expect I'll sleep over the Christmas holidays. Holidays...that's a new thing!

Happy Birthday to Grandma Walter, Wade, and Marilyn. Hope the day is well. I blew out one candle today, and the rest I'll save until next weekend.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadians, and to those who aren't, go cook a turkey anyways. It's good for you.

God Bless.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

10 Days Later...Still Alive

I cannot believe where the time has gone. September is already more than half finished, my first assignments to mark came in yesterday, and I'm still feeling a little out of place. I'm thinking that the first year of teaching anywhere will be a lot like this, only minus the cooperating teacher there to back you up.

I was in Regina for almost a week. I left Tuesday right after school for our internship seminars, learned some pretty funny (yet lame) jokes, ate a lot, and didn't come back to Foam Lake until Sunday afternoon. Mom's birthday was on Friday, so it was nice to go out for supper with most of the family. Mom and I went shoe shopping on Saturday, and I found some lovely if they would only stop rubbing the skin off my feet, they would be perfect. I only have one blister so far, but there is very little skin left on my baby toes on either foot. I'm hoping it won't take them long to break in. We'll see how this goes. I should already own shares in the Bandaid corporation, so what's another reason to use them?

Everything is going well way up north here. Yes, I mean that sarcastically. It has frozen here a few times, once quite hard according to the gardeners in the staff lounge, but there isn't any snow yet. I'm hoping that isn't a jinx on the whole matter. I'm not ready for the white stuff yet.

I'm not at the school tonight, though it's becoming clear that I will be a regular fixture after 7 pm most evenings. I needed a few hours away, and tomorrow is planned. I even know what I'm wearing since tomorrow is Hawaiian Day. Those bright orange shirts mom and dad had have really come in handy! I'm learning more classroom management by the day, and I'm starting to figure out just who is playing me. I'm also seeing patterns emerge. It's really quite interesting, so we'll see if I'm reading things right.

I'm off to mark. I always disliked teachers who took three months to return assignments. I should at least get off on the right (fast) foot. Maybe bed before mindnight...that would be nice.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Where did that week go?

I've been at the school now for two weeks. Some lessons went well, some...didn't. We leave it at that. I'm catching on to the bell system. Warning bells, attendance bells, in class bells. I had my first fire drill of the season on Wednesday. Garth hadn't even warned the staff in order to see how things really went. Apparently we weren't fast enough, especially given Foam Lake's recent pyrotechnic history. There will be a few more drills, hopefully before it gets really cold. It froze here for the first night on Thursday. Some of the leaves are changing. The landscape promises to be very attractive. If only I could paint.

I took a trip into Yorkton yesterday for the Sunflower Arts and Crafts show. Supposedly the biggest craft show in Saskatchewan, I didn't find a lot to purchase. I picked up some scented playdough for Nathaniel, but that was it. Oh, and a root beer flavoured popcorn ball. I know it sounds gross, but I liked it. Very sticky though. The show was meant for people with money and places to put things, and maybe a lower level idea of what constitutes as style. There were some very attractive things, but there were also the requisite tacky items that are there for the very small niche markets. I spent about an hour there, and then moved onto Golden Rule Books, the Christian bookstore in town. I was quite able to spend money there, thank you. And lo and behold, the scrapbooking store is two doors down! Jackpot! Remember: stickers can make any day brighter. I hit the mall (I have such good luck at Zellers), took a look around in some of the clothing stores, but I wasn't in any mood to try stuff on. It was one of those days where it's too cool outside to not have a sweater, but inside it feels like the 1st of July.

Yorkton was my day off, the last for awhile, I'm guessing. Tuesday, right after school, Patti and I are off to Regina for the internship seminars, which promise to be the most boring three days of the semester. It won't be all bad though. It's one of the last times I have anything to do with the University. I've enjoyed my time, for the most part, but I will also enjoy being finished. I think. I'll be staying at the farm, and I'll be able to go to church in Regina Sunday morning. I miss my girls already!

Anyhow, I need to get into the swing of things for the next week or so of school. Patti and I are looking to do a French 8 unit on food. We're thinking pizza, with the recipe in French and the whole nine yards. I like pizza, and I think this class will get into it. We'll see how the week goes. I need to plan for the substitute as well, so I'd better go get on that. Any cool ideas, let me know.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Labour Day

There has been a bit of progress on the home front since Thursday. My room is now a nice pale yellow. I painted on Saturday, after the flooring debacle Thursday night. The batteries in Adam's saw gave out after ten minutes, so I believe the flooring is to go in today. Hopefully that means I can get my stuff out of Nathaniel's room tonight, rather than leaving everything until tomorrow night. I have to get used to having to be at school every day with set really doesn't prepare you for that! I actually HAVE to shop on Saturday now.

I experienced my first Gospel Fellowship service yesterday. I thought it was a decent crowd, for what I had been told to expect, but apparently half the congregation was visiting from other places. It reminds me a bit of Calvary Community Baptist in Weyburn, but a bit younger. I was made to feel quite welcome, with three or four older ladies making sure I was "doing ok" here in Foam Lake. There are some personalities in the congregation, so it will be interesting to watch and see how that plays out in the general scheme of things. Walter Brown from Yorkton spoke, which was ok. I miss Westhill, and I miss Steve! If I could find a teaching job in Lacombe...

The rest of my day has to include the creation of units. I have procrastinated enough. I have to remember that not every weekend is going to be a long one! It's time to get ahead of the game. To those who can, keep in touch.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Picture Day!

Today is picture day at the school, and of course my hair isn't co-operating. I thought one was supposed to grow out of this sort of issue! At least the staff pictures are first thing in the morning...If they were after school there would be some interesting shots.

Adam arrived home last night just after ten, so we were able to visit a little bit before I crashed. I haven't seen him yet this morning, but given the time, I didn't expect to. He plans on doing the flooring thing today, which means moving all of the furniture of the laminate, pulling the flooring up, and putting back down in my room. He thinks I can be in my floored and painted room by Saturday. I'm thinking Monday would still be a generous estimate, taking into account the possible smell of paint. But, hey. If he's going to do it, I'm going to be encouraging. It looks like I will be painting after the football game tomorrow!

Wynyard is in town to play the Foam Lake Panthers in the exhibition game of the season. I know very little about football, but I'll be there. In fact, I think I'm helping run the canteen...I'm not sure what that entails, but I'll find out today I'm sure.

It has been an interesting week so far. I've taught my first lesson, so the creative writing class is now mine. I'm taking over grade seven French next week, though that doesn't look hard. All is good on the school front. The excitement has been here at home. I've been meeting the neighbours, but not in the usual way. The older lady that lives next to us has been seeing people across the street from her house, and she called the house at 3:30 am Monday night/Tuesday morning. That frightened me a bit, because she kept saying "Can you hear it?" Now, me being in a new house, listening for a strange sound is a sure way of hearing one. She had called the RCMP, so shortly after four am, I met Brent the RCMP. I expect he now thinks I'm crazy, as I couldn't tell him that my neighbour wasn't seeing things. I fell back asleep about 5 am, and that day at school seemed a little longer than usual.

The next episode, I'll call it, was Tuesday evening, blessedly at 8 pm rather than the wee hours. I went over to my neighbour's house after she called, saying those prowlers were back. She took me into her dark, exceptionally tidy little house, and all the way into her bedroom, and showed me the people out of her bedroom window. I'm afraid there wasn't anyone there. She tried to point out all four bodies she was seeing, but there was nothing to see. Even the fence she said they were near didn't exist. I told her that I would go and see if Gord, our other neighbour, would go for a walk with me so that she could see us over there, checking it out. He would, we did, and all we found were some oddly pruned bushes that I could hardly make out from the bedroom window. Gord and I reassured her that there was no one there, and that there was no danger.

She seems to be ok now. She didn't call last night. It must be hard to live alone, knowing that if anything does happen, if anyone does "prowl", one is completely vulnerable. I understand this isn't the first incident, and that her only close family is a son in either Saskatoon or Regina. I've been told not to expect to ever see him in the four months I'm here for. We'll see what happens next. I hope everything turns out for the better.

G2G. We can't be late for picture day, now can we?

Monday, August 28, 2006

First Day of School

Ok, so MY first day of school was last Thursday. I met the staff at Foam Lake Composite School, where I'll be interning this fall. It seems like a great group to work with so far. There are a wide range of skills and ages present, so I'm sure to learn a lot about teaching, and surviving in the profession.

Today was the first day of school where the students were present. For a small school, there seemed like a lot of kids! I have classes ranging from 14 to 29, in grades seven and eight, and eleven and twelve. There are only two grades that I'm not teaching a subject to, but it's likely I'm teaching one of their siblings or cousins. I'm starting to recognize some common last names. Now if I could only remember the staff, and who teaches what!

I'm completely moved out of Regina, and partially moved into the house here in Foam Lake. My room still needs a bit of work, like flooring and painting, and maybe a bed, so I'm bunking in Nathaniel's room at present. This is just fine, as they are away at present, but I don't think Nathaniel will be willing to share once they get home. It's just my thought. He has to share his toys with the kids in the daycare. That's enough sharing for one little guy! Anyhow, my stuff is in various places in the house, not to mention the garage. Five or six boxes, and maybe even my computer will end up at the school for the duration, but there's still a "bit" of clothing and a "few" boxes left here. You should see my room at the farm if you think I have stuff here!

I start teaching for real on Wednesday, starting with the Creative Writing class. I have a bit of tweaking to do before then, but I think I should be set at least until Monday. We'll see if I feel the same Wednesday night! It should be a very interesting class, with a wide range of skills in my students. I'm interested in finding out if their interests are as varied. It's why the curriculum is vague.

Anyhow, 7 am seems to get earlier and earlier, so I'm off. Like I've said before, my intention is to update this regularily. Intention, not requirement. To sleep, perchance to dream.

Monday, August 07, 2006

How I Spent My Summer vacation (at IKEA)

A lot can happen in a week, even more in two...

I'm writing this from Lacombe, Alberta, where I'm visiting with Steve and Colleen and the boys. It has been a wonderful weekend camping with family out at Buffalo Lake, and the days I've spent here in Lacombe have been the icing on a rather sunburnt cake. I'm definitely going to keep my eyes and ears open for a teaching job in this area. I can't imagine living between two Ikea's. That just might be any salary I get!

We went in to Calgary today (Calgary has never been a "day trip" for me before), and we had it timed so that we were at Ikea first, then the mall since that was how they opened. I have to go home tomorrow, and to work on Wednesday. It will be good to go home yet hard to leave. If anyone else wants to surprize Steve and Colleen Sunday morning, the service starts at 10 am. It's worth it to see the church...let's call it a unique design.

I can't believe that I'm moving in 10 days, and that means I have less than two weeks left of work days. So much to do! (So much that should already be done!) Better get started.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A little bit of Chaos

Well, I may now have half of my belongings moved to Foam Lake. Ok, only half of what is going there, since the rest will end up being stored at the farm. With just under a month until I'm in the town for my internship, I guess this is a good start. I have boxes under two different beds up there, and I'm excited to see what my room will look like when the contractor finishes the windows and the walls...

Merle and I successfully moved most of the larger stuff up on Monday, so when Mom called this morning and asked what I was taking today...I had no idea. I packed up some of the winter clothes that I had better not need until October, and had them ready when she picked me up. Two trips in two days...I don't plan on doing that again for a little while, likely in August.

For those of you who say cribbage cannot be played with the only two people in a moving vehicle at dusk, Merle and I are living proof. I believe he might be demanding a rematch where he gets to deal!

One last note, Moxie's is now back in Regina and open for business...and the White Chocolate Brownie is as good as ever. My last shift at Cleo's in the Southland Mall was Sunday, so I went in today, signed the papers, and cut up my employee card. Moxie's was the celebration!

It's on to the fruit stand tomorrow. I definitely need some sleep tonight. Good night.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Let's See How This Works...

So I should be packing or planning or cleaning something, I'm sure. Instead, I'm playing and posting. What can you do?

Merle and I are moving bookshelves to Foam Lake tomorrow. This is great, considering I can't lift one of them on my own. It means that this move is that much closer to being real...The world outside the university is creeping near.

I have hopes of keeping this up-to-date. I make no excuses if it's not. It's as much experiment as experience.

Here goes everything.