Wednesday, September 20, 2006

10 Days Later...Still Alive

I cannot believe where the time has gone. September is already more than half finished, my first assignments to mark came in yesterday, and I'm still feeling a little out of place. I'm thinking that the first year of teaching anywhere will be a lot like this, only minus the cooperating teacher there to back you up.

I was in Regina for almost a week. I left Tuesday right after school for our internship seminars, learned some pretty funny (yet lame) jokes, ate a lot, and didn't come back to Foam Lake until Sunday afternoon. Mom's birthday was on Friday, so it was nice to go out for supper with most of the family. Mom and I went shoe shopping on Saturday, and I found some lovely if they would only stop rubbing the skin off my feet, they would be perfect. I only have one blister so far, but there is very little skin left on my baby toes on either foot. I'm hoping it won't take them long to break in. We'll see how this goes. I should already own shares in the Bandaid corporation, so what's another reason to use them?

Everything is going well way up north here. Yes, I mean that sarcastically. It has frozen here a few times, once quite hard according to the gardeners in the staff lounge, but there isn't any snow yet. I'm hoping that isn't a jinx on the whole matter. I'm not ready for the white stuff yet.

I'm not at the school tonight, though it's becoming clear that I will be a regular fixture after 7 pm most evenings. I needed a few hours away, and tomorrow is planned. I even know what I'm wearing since tomorrow is Hawaiian Day. Those bright orange shirts mom and dad had have really come in handy! I'm learning more classroom management by the day, and I'm starting to figure out just who is playing me. I'm also seeing patterns emerge. It's really quite interesting, so we'll see if I'm reading things right.

I'm off to mark. I always disliked teachers who took three months to return assignments. I should at least get off on the right (fast) foot. Maybe bed before mindnight...that would be nice.

1 comment:

Merle said...

I've had more sympathy in my mind for memories of teachers who held onto stuff longer than I thought they should have been. Having been long a few times in my short career, I can see how it happens easily.

...but good on ya for tryin'! :D