Thursday, December 28, 2006

By the Way...

I'm home. I'm home. I can't believe I'm home already. December has flown by. Christmas is past, and New Year's is only a few days away. I don't have a job yet, but I am catching up on some sleep. I don't think it has sunk in yet that I don't have to go back to school in January. I'm so used to going to school that this "life" thing will take some work.

I find myself missing Foam Lake. I miss the students that drove me nuts, and the students who became special to me. I miss living with Erin and Adam, Nathaniel, but especially Abigail. I wish I could have seen her on Christmas morning. I bet there wasn't a safe (or dry) piece of paper in the house! I'm looking forward to one more trip north, to pick up my stuff, and say goodbye one more time.

If you need, or want, to get a hold of me, I'm at the farm. I don't have the internet out there (Thank you Brandie for letting me use yours!), but I will be checking the email randomly, likely at the library. How cool am I.

Who knows where this road is going? I'm glad I have a really good navigator.

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