Saturday, October 21, 2006

On With the Show

It has been a full two weeks. I'm teaching almost every class, and I begin my three week block on Wednesday next. With all of the days we miss in November, this means that my "three week block" is really a month. I appreciate starting earlier than later, as this means December will be less stressful, but starting this week means that I can't procrastinate any longer. I'm teaching To Kill a Mockingbird and Hamlet right now, and I start The Secret Lives of Sgt. John Wilson on Wednesday. Tuesday my grade sevens write their very first French exam, and heaven help them, the first exam I've ever had to make up.

Tonight is the Breast of Friends' Fundraising Dinner at the Community Hall. Mom is coming up to attend, and Erin is coming out as well. I've just come back from rehearsal for the fashion show that will end the evening. What a wide range of ladies! Size, age, everything...we have it on stage. It was a hilarious rehearsal, as no one in charge has ever really rehearsed a show like this before. We got through it, but we didn't try it with our fancy clothes on...I think we'd better have a gong ready for tonight. At least it promises to be entertaining! And the food will be spectacular from what I understand.

I'm also very excited about coming back to Regina in November. On the 3rd, I'll get to see everyone from school as we're called back for an internship seminar, and the next week I'm back in town because of the teacher's conference in Saskatoon. I'm not being required to attend, so I'm coming home. I've bought tickets to the Goo Goo Dolls show on the 9th, and I cannot wait. I swore I would go see them if they ever came to the province, and it's worked out really nicely. I"ll be a new woman after that weekend, as I'm going to visit Stacey as well. I just have to decide what we're doing to the hair this time...

Other than that, life up here in Foam Lake is just fine. Abigail is hilarious, Nathaniel is forever "Erin, you play monkeys with me?" (He hasn't figured out that I kill the characters more often than he does.) I can't believe I'm almost two months down, but that's the way it goes. I'm sending in my application for my visa on Monday, if the post office is still open when we get back from Wadena (CIF "Teacher" day), Tuesday at the latest. I'm hoping I haven't left it too long, but I really doubt I'd be ready to live and teach in England by January 3rd. That's seems a little quick, considering I'm not finished here until the 22nd. In my mind, I'm aiming for leaving in the middle of the month, but it's not really my plans that have precedence here. I can't even see the reins of this life.

Mom is supposed to be here in about an hour and a half. I'd better clean my's just something you do when moms arrive. I'm now thankful it's not an entire apartment!

1 comment:

Heidi Hoffman said...

Hey Ms. Graas!

England, huh? That's really exciting. I hope everything works out, and that you get to go.

Foam Lake will miss you, I'm sure.