Sunday, January 07, 2007


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm here in Foam Lake, making sure I've said goodbye to everyone at church, and playing with Abigail. I cannot believe how fast she's growing or how much I miss her and Nathaniel. I would be sad, if I wasn't so excited about the future.

I have finished school. It's official. I have handed in my application to graduate, my application for my teacher certification license, and my application for a teaching job...I'm noticing a trend. I am seeking, and I'm praying, and I'm trusting.

I'm looking forward to the next week or so. Mom and Blair are back at school tomorrow, and that leaves Dad and I at the farm. I'll be sleeping, reading, cross stitching, scrapbooking and organizing what seems like a million pieces of paper I brought home with me. My room is finally liveable...kind of. You don't have to jump over many things, and nobody needs into the other closet anyway. I think the resident mouse even moved out.

I hope everyone has a blessed New Year, with many joys, and a few "growing opportunities". They make the good so much better. I will do my best to keep in touch, and to let everyone know when the sought is found. (If only we had internet on the farm...(sigh) Dad will never read this...)

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