Wednesday, January 31, 2007

And Ye Shall Find...

I have a job. Last Thursday I mailed an application package to the Golden Hills School Division in Strathmore Alberta, Friday I got mad at Canada Post, Monday I forgave Canada Post. I got a call Monday evening, about 5 minutes after 5 pm, asking if I could be in Strathmore, Alberta for an interview the next day. You bet I could! Dad drove me to Strathmore (he didn't trust Little Car, but I didn't tell her that), I interviewed at 3 pm, and I had the job by 4:30 pm SK time. Thank goodness for that extra hour in there!

I'll be teaching grade seven English Language Arts, Social Studies, and one block of Health at Crowther Memorial Jr. High School. It's a 7-9 school, with over 650 students. My average class size is about 26-27 students, and I start on Monday! I'm in a bit of a panic about planning and packing and moving and such, but I'm so excited.

I know some people who were wondering about where I would end up would be checking this blog, so I've updated it. I think the plan is to move on Saturday, so if I don't see everyone who has been thinking and praying, I thank you now! I hope to be back to catch closing night of the musical, but that's planning too far in advance right now! So, thank you, and we'll talk again.


Merle said...

Praise God for the way He provides!

Congratulations and all that...I'm sure you have a lot that you're pulling together now.

Your mom told me just the other day while I was taking the truck in for a new clutch. (Thank goodness a standard is cheaper to fix than an automatic!) :D

Blessings as you start on Monday...never let'em see you sweat.

Jago said...

Congrats. I know the feeling of applying for jobs and waiting for a reply. I too am in a similar situation, but I don't know what the result is.