Hello everyone who might be checking this site. I have finally had the internet installed in my apartment, and so I am able to access this site. The school had it blocked.
I am now teaching at Crowther Memorial Jr. High School in Strathmore, Alberta. I've been teaching for a week and a half, and I think I'm able to name about 60% of my students, as long as you only want their first names! I've learned that Valentine's Day + Jr. High Students = insanity. Sugar and hormones. Hormones and sugar. The dance is tomorrow, so we'll see how this goes!
That said, I'm already attached to some of these kids. I have some excellent students. I'm looking forward to St. Patrick's Day. I think it will be a blast.
I'm off to plan for the rest of the week. I have to have two days planned ahead for my one class that refuses to work in class. I'm planning on being in MJ this weekend. I'm very excited about CATS. I can't wait to see all the costumes, and how they pull together. Thank goodness for this Family Day holiday! I need to get my bookshelves and another kitchen chair -- that way I can have one at the table AND one at the computer! I'm just holing Little Car makes it home and back one more time. Until next time!