I apologize for how long it has been since I wrote on here. I am swamped with marking (I think that's permanent) and I had my computer in the shop for just over a week. The tech guy at our school is a miracle worker. My computer that once liked to shut itself down whenever it felt like is now a machine with four times the RAM amd Windows XP. Bye-Bye Millenium!
The school year is almost over. I will be sad to leave this school, and I am a bit anxious about the coming school year and the lack of a position as of yet. I know that God will provide, so I'm not allowing the anxiety to become full-blown fear. I'm trying to get my marking done!
On a bright side, I'm excited about coming home to work at kamp for a week in July. Mom and I are cooking for a junior camp. I'm also excited that Mom leaves for BC on Sunday for the first of her module classes in ...I'm not sure. I read the booklet and info, and it sounds really good. She could tell you the proper name for the course. The information has been replaced by final exams in my brain.
For those so inclined: I can be found on Facebook. I enjoy adding people. It's a great timesucker! Me and my procrastinating. I wish I could be paid for doing that!