April showers bring May flowers...but what does two feet of snow in April bring? I had to pretty much shovel two feet of snow off of my poor little car on Saturday. Heavy and wet, it's perfect snowball snow. Here's hoping it melts by tomorrow. I'm glad I'm not on supervision until Wednesday!
Report cards went out on Friday, and I don't think there were any major surprizes for anyone. Now I just have to get and stay organized so I don't have that week of stress in June...It's amazing how few days there are left...it's really flying by. I do feel like I'm still treading water most of the time, but there are days where I sit down at the end of the day and say, "You know? That actually worked!"
On a completely bizarre note: I've started to help coach the co-ed rugby. It is a lot of fun, though I know very little about the sport. Wayne tells them what to do and I cheer them on. We practice every Tuesday and Thursday outside on the football field. We even went out this past Thursday, though you couldn't see across to the end of the field for the snow falling. For those of you in Foam Lake, please note: I know more about basketball than rugby! This ought to be good.